
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8




9:30am - 10:30am Breaking of bread service

11:00am - 12:00 morning message

6:30pm - Evening Service


7:30 PM prayer and Bible Study



Creation - Why is it important? - Prof. Andy McIntosh

Message for Young People

Sermon on book of Genesis

Sermon on book of Ecclesiastes

Sermon on book of Daniel

Sermon on book of Acts

Sermon on book of James

Find Sunday sermons by year:




Our Belief

The church at St Andrew’s Evangelical Church is a company of people who have received Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. All who belong to Christ are members of “the Church ... which is His Body”. We therefore receive as members all who declare their faith in Christ and whose godly behaviour is evidence that they belong to Him.

We acknowledge no spiritual head other than our Lord Jesus Christ and we are not responsible to any organised group or denominational body. We are one of many similar churches throughout the world and have much in common with all true Christian churches. Our beliefs are those taught in the Bible which we accept as the inspired Word of God.

All of our services are public and everyone is welcome to attend.
For more details about Our Belief click here

Our Principles

We are an independent Church – seeking to be subject only to the Lordship of Christ, and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. We seek to make known the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ – as the means of God’s saving grace through faith in Jesus. We are friends of all groups and individuals who own Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour in their lives and who seek to apply all Bible teachings to their daily living.

Our Concern

To devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, sharing in the breaking of bread and prayers whenever possible. That children, young people, men and women become followers of Jesus Christ, and so begin to enjoy the full life God wants them to have in Him. To show respect for the holiness of God in our Church practices. That God should be glorified by our lives, not just at Church, but at home, school, work and leisure. That God’s name may be honoured and His Word obeyed in our nation and throughout the world.


Our Meeting Place

St Andrew’s Church has a chequered history. The church was built in the late fourteenth century and is one of the oldest in York. It was closed in 1559 as a result of an Act of Parliament that demanded a reduction in the number of churches within the city. Since 1559 the building has been used for various purposes. Today the building has reverted to its original function of being a place of Christian worship. It is owned by the York Brethren Assembly who meet there every Sunday.


Our Address

Spen Lane,
York, YO1 7BS, United Kingdom

We are situated very close to York Minster and the Shambles.

From Kings Square walk along St Andrewgate (pedestrian access only) and you cannot miss our building.

Car access is via St Saviours Place into Spen Lane.

The church is at the junction of
St Andrewgate and Spen Lane


Contact US


*Any information submitted using this contact form will be processed in accordance with our privacy notice


 St Andrews Evangelical Church Safeguarding Policy

This policy and procedures have been divided into five sections, covering all 10 Thirtyone:eight safeguarding standards which are:

  • Standard 1: Safeguarding Policy

  • Standard 2: Training & Awareness

  • Standard 3: Safer Recruitment

  • Standard 4: Management of Workers

  • Standard 5: Working Safely

  • Standard 6: Communicating Safely

  • Standard 7: Responding to concerns

  • Standard 8: Pastoral Care

  • Standard 9: Managing those who pose a Risk

  • Standard 10: Working in Partnership